Monday, December 31, 2012


Today was a rough day. I'm restless. It's a hard day to sit and be still. We all have one more day left in 2012. Then the new year will come, along with all of it's uncertainties and blessings. But I can't help but wonder... what are your priorities? Is it family, friends? Is it your job or the pursuit of the "perfect" career? Is it yourself? Is God somewhere in there?
     I find it hard to pinpoint just one area. Reflecting, I can see periods of my life where certain things/people took precedence. Back when school was a priority, or a boyfriend, or even myself. That's not so much the case now, but there has to be something that takes place over everything else. One really valuable lesson that I've learned over the past few years has been to not stress over the little things. I've learned to keep work at work, and not take work home (unless there's a stack of projects and progress reports are due). I've desired to learn more about my creator and the Bible, and that has definitely been a larger priority for me this year. But, what is yours? Where does your heart belong? Or, where is it kept?
     I've lived out of the house for a while now, going on almost 7 years, and I've really "grown-up". I'm not the same me from when I left - that's for sure. So it's difficult to return home. It's hard to see that my priorities are nowhere near the same as this place that I come and go from. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no saint, but priorities do kinda mold who you are and how you act. I know that we're called to spread the Gospel. But how do I do that? What does that look like? It's a struggle, and it's made me restless. I want to, and I have a desire to, but I'm stuck. Priorities.
     This coming year I hope to get all of that straightened out. I hope to find the answers to the "how do I" questions. I hope to be more productive in my walk with God and in increasing His kingdom. Today we lost a very influential woman, the pastor's wife, Rochelle Nieman,  of Abundant living Faith Center - the church who first took me under their wings. She was the best example of what it looked like to be a true woman of God. And although I didn't know her as personally as others did, she radiated from a distance. I hope to get my priorities in line. Her's clearly were, and it showed.

In Loving memory.

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