Tuesday, June 24, 2014

One Year Mark

This June, yes the one that is just now slipping away, marks the one year mark since coming back to Texas. I can truly say that so much can happen in a year. God has done some amazing things over the past 12 months and I'm soo thankful for His faithfulness and constant provision.

A little recap.

I spent the first 8 months back in El Paso, my hometown, loving on family and getting over the crazy paranoia that came with reverse culture shock. During that time I dealt with moments of limited patience, transition difficulties, and unease in making the next big decision. I'm thankful for my mother, who allowed me to live at home and sleep in half of the day (on most days). She even connected me with a charter school that I later worked for, and has always been a constant support. When I look at the time I spent at home, it was pretty much one month for ever year that I was away, and it was just the right amount of time.

During this time I also got to travel. A lot. More so than I had imagined doing when I returned, but I couldn't stay in one place for very long. I went back and forth multiple times from El Paso to Austin, San Marcos, San Antonio, Ruidoso, Santa Fe, Alberquerque, and even Phoenix/Mesa. Oh, and how could I forget… Honduras during my birthday month! Needless to say, I was always on the go. It wasn't without prayer that God would really place a location on my heart in which to invest in next. San Antonio, TX.

Never before had I even imagined living in San Antonio, but I felt it deep within my heart that SA was the place where God wanted me to go next. So I took a leap of faith, turned in my two-weeks notice, got a Craig's list roommate and dove right in. I was believing to receive a job pretty quickly, but not just any kind of job - one where my experience and passion would come alive.

Without fail, and within one month exactly, He provided. I now have a job, friends, church, and a whole new family away from home here in San Antonio. I recently moved into my official apartment with an old friend from my university days and I get to enjoy my summer off!

God, however, continues to amaze me with countless blessings (even the ones in disguise). I look forward to seeing BIG things happen throughout the rest of this year - I feel something BIG coming. :)

Thank you all for your prayers, connections, and for keeping up with how God is moving in my life.

So thankful for these peeps! Lovin' the diversity!