Saturday, September 3, 2011

From Awful to Full of Awe

It's hard to believe that i've already been here for a month (as of tomorrow). I've already experienced so much. I've stepped foot into my "professional life" and it has been such a blessing to have coworkers who have a real passion for Jesus and for community. As I'm learning more and more about the culture here in Tegucigalpa I am becoming more and more attached. I absolutely Love the ride up and down the mountain (minus the occasional car-sickness) and I want to see so much more. The saying's true, once you start traveling you grow to have a heart for it. Last year a couple of us went to San Luis Potosi, Mexico (and surrounding cities)… this year I am LIVING in HONDURAS! Who knew?
It's amazing how God works and how He knows exactly the people you need around in order to feel like you can survive. I'm thankful for John and his spunky personality (we've had several interesting conversations - never a dull moment), for Charith and her motherly tendencies (especially during the event of the sprained ankle/cast), for Sarah and Julie and their sweet spirits and friendships, and for Dan and his spontaneity. There are many others who have made this transition feel so smooth and comfortable here (too many to individually describe them in one post). I am very thankful. There seems to never be a dull moment here… something is always happening and even in the stillness God is there and His presence is too sweet to not feel Loved. 
Life here is so different from the States. One thing that I have noticed so far, especially since I have gained my latest accessory (the purple cast), is that in the States I was so independent. I had my car, and whenever I felt like getting out I went. Here, not only do we depend on each other and the school for rides, but I am in no rush to get anywhere. Here I am just going with the flow and taking every opportunity possible to meet new people and get to know the city better. Relationships have sprouted so easily here for me. And especially now with the cast, I am getting use to the idea of actually asking for help. God has really been showing me what it means to be dependent on one another, but in a healthy way. There's a particular balance that not everyone gets. My balance is in training. 
Yesterday was the end of my first official week as a teacher and my day was horrible. Not only did i have seven classes out of a eight class school day, I had maintenance men drilling holes in concrete walls during class and a very lousy lunch. My patience was tested throughout the day, and by the time I got home whoever walked in the door received my frustration. I was about to blow. Thankfully with the encouragement of John, I joined a group of friends down the mountain for dinner (which was super yummy) and a Young Professional's Bible Study at Impacto. The message on relationships really spoke to me (and yes, I understood about 85% of the message which was given in Spanish). After the study, we headed to Denny's (a pretty popular restaurant here) and settled for dessert and coffee (my cappuccino was delicious by the way). We hung out there, had several very interesting conversations and then went on our way back up the mountain jamming to 80's music. By the time we hit our destination it was around 11:30pm… but it wasn't the end of our night. Richard took us on a spontaneous trip to what seemed to be at the very top of the mountain. He had a special spot that overlooked the entire city. It was absolutely gorgeous. Standing in the middle of the woods, surrounded by swaying trees, and in complete darkness overlooking the city was breath taking. But the night got even better. Richard began to play worship songs from his phone and we all stood/sat singing to our Creator and taking in the scenery. I could not have asked for a better moment than that. That was what I had been craving. I could have stayed there for hours. 
We ended up back home and I finally got to bed around 1-1:30am. A day that seemed so awful turned into a day full of thanksgiving. Watch out Texas, my heart may have found a new home. 
Thanks guys for such an amazing night. I'm looking forward to many more. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. picture on my laptop background page.just imagine how it looks from heaven.And some creatures believe that there is no god.

  3. Thanks for sharing that! Amazing!!! WOW, God is good...sooo good. I am glad you are enjoying Him! Love you
