Wednesday, January 18, 2012


There's something about going to someone just to vent. Whether you get advice or not, and whether the advice is even worth it is another thing, but just going to someone who has an open ear to hear your thoughts - that's what life's all about. Being there for each other. In the good times, difficult times, and during the times when you just want to give up. No one's perfect, we all know that, but when two imperfect people come together something is released. I'm not quite sure how to label it, or even how to describe it enough to give the feeling any justice, but something happens. And when that something happens, you can leave feeling refreshed and unconfined.
     So yes, this is what I've experienced over the last four days or so... a renewal. A renewal of my thoughts and a new perspective on how to approach the situation that I am in. And I got all of that just by talking!  I'm not saying that it's going to be easier from here on out, but I am hopeful that as the days progress the time invested in prayer and fasting will bring forth God's glory in the situation. He puts us through things that we sometimes may have never asked for to begin with. But it is in those opportunities when we really have the chance to learn, grow in Him, and bring forth the glory that is hidden within the situation. It's not a time to get down in the dumps and feel as if the world is against you (although there are some of those days), but it is a time to really grow in. So get your running shoes on, the race is just beginning.
     Back to people. Communication. Who knew, huh? I have always been a very quite person. More of a listener than a giver in the communication area, but I am slowly learning to release my thoughts and let others know what is going on. How can a problem be fixed if 1. the person with the problem doesn't have any solutions, and 2. no one else knows of what is actually going on?
     Lesson learned.

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