Friday, April 19, 2013

No Caffeine, High Doctor Bills, and One Night's Rest Later.

Unfortunately the no Coke, coffee, tea, (and now apparently chocolate) restriction continues even after my previous restriction when dealing with laryngitis a couple of weeks ago. Since January, my body has been acting up due to the stress level that I've been under. Now we are one step closer to knowing (or better understanding) the source of the issue. Apparently, with all of the changes and heavy work load that I've been under and on top of that the huge increase of caffeine intake (mostly Coke and coffee to get through the work day) has been causing my heart rate to spike causing an arrhythmia. The consistent chest pain that I've had for two weeks in a row multiple times now have a chance to stop.
     Last night I saw a cardiologist specialist here in Honduras. She was... different. And my experience... horrific. I absolutely hate going to the doctor's office. Absolutely hate it. With my whole off-beat heart hate it. My body shuts down and I panic (there's an issue in that alone). But, thankfully my roommate Julie was there to help walk me through everything. Ugh... I hated it. Well, 45 minutes later and a huge, HUGE, bill after we left with a better understanding of what was happening. Thankfully, there's no blockage in my heart and that it's more of a "chemical reaction" that is causing the irregularities and what not.
     Anyways, we eventually made our way home and I was still processing everything that happened. I knew that I didn't want to go back there (did I mention how expensive it was!!). And I am hoping that these additionally ridiculously expensive pills will help me regulate what's going on and that I can get back to normal beating ASAP. But I was still processing everything.
     In about a week, Julie and I are heading to Nicaragua - a part of me that wants to see where my dad came from, to see the homeland sort of speak. My budget is now close to none because my hospital bill was so huge! Almost one third of my entire month's salary gone in 45 minutes. I think that in the end of last night's experience I was most concerned about the cost of the experience more than the knowledge received because the cost would affect other things (the Nicaragua trip).
     I have less than two months here and the opportunity to get to Nicaragua (with someone who knows what they're doing) is quickly caving in. This is my only chance! Since landing here, that's been one of the opportunities that I've been waiting for and now I hate to think that my budget is close to none.
     Well, to end this long health saga and my travel dilemma, I do believe in a God who provides. He has always come through for me. He knows my wants and my needs (and can tell the difference between the two way better than I can). So here is my trust being put into practice.

You're officially updated on my health and at least on the next few weeks to come. Thanks for reading.  :)

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