Thursday, October 25, 2012

1 Peter 5: 10-11

After you have suffered a little while.

Who ever wants to read those words, let alone read them and feel the truth behind them? If you've been  keeping up with this blog you should have a glimpse of what this year has been like for me. Suffering is an understatement. I have struggled in many areas, but thankfully it is only for a little while. The scripture continues to say, "[He will] restore you and make you strong, firm, steadfast". Before I left Austin to come here to Honduras, one very sweet young lady told me that I was like a palm tree. She said that I may go through storms or hurricanes and be tossed left and right, but in the end I will stand strong because I know who my creator is. I can bend one way or another when under pressure, but I will always bounce back into the position in which I was intended to be in. How awesome is that! Even through the suffering (for a little while I might add), God will restore us and make us strong, firm, and steadfast. "To him be the power forever and ever. Amen."

In the past I've tried to take charge of my life. I've tried to control my circumstances, tried to control my emotions and "make things happen" for my benefit. Now I see how wrong that was and I've grown from it. Thankfully God has not once left my side - I can be reassured of that. And thankfully I know who my creator is (and how powerful He really is!) and can bounce back and lean on that foundation before, during, and after the suffering. It's not an easy thing, and I definitely need to be reminded of that from time to time, but it is something that I know will never change.

A good reminder given to me by a senior student at ALP.  :)

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