Friday, July 6, 2012


Since I've been back in Texas, I haven't been able to sleep earlier than 2am. Last night was a record... 7am. What good goes on between 11pm and 7am? My poor eyes.

There's so much going on in my head just being here. People to see, places that I want to go to before I head out again, things to stock up on (coffee creamer + Nutella). And I'm finding it difficult to press the stop button once the clock hits midnight.

This summer is a record for getting back with old friends. There are a few people who use to be main characters in my life who had "gone missing" for a few years and now I get the opportunity to catch up with them. It's crazy how lives evolve over time and how even though personalities might not change, circumstances do. Over 5 years we all grow up. We become these "adults" that we had only imagined being before, and we're still learning how to manage these lives.

It's fun to be able to look back and compare ourselves to who we've become. It's crazy to realize how much our actions and the decisions we made back then affected those around us. I can only imagine what today would look like if one night back then played out like I hoped it would instead of how it actually did.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those years... relive some of those moments. But today I'm thankful for them. For the experiences, the laughs, the late nights, the sleepovers, gathering around good food (mom's brisket), for the trips, the dancing, and yes even the drama.

Agreeing with the words from a semi-wise friend (hahaha),
"everything went down they way it was supposed to".

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