Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rotten Egg

     Today was an off beat kinda day. I woke up well rested, ready for a good breakfast. I decided on eggs, sausage and toast. Boy was I wrong. Let me backtrack for a minute…
     Last night, we had maybe 3 electrical outages. Let's just say that the candles stayed on practically all night until bedtime (yes, even through our mini-game night). The fact that we didn't have electricity didn't bother me, but when I went to take my shower I quickly realized that a shower was not a great idea when there's no electricity. Let me explain - we have an electric water heater attached to the shower head so that we can take hot showers (cool huh). Well… no electricity means no hot water. So I went to bed without a shower (not very typical of me). First mistake. 
     Well, back to today. I woke up, well rested and ready to start the day. I cracked open my egg for breakfast (a little too cheerfully I guess), and out squirted this blue goo and this awful smell (think about the worst thing you've ever smelled and then multiply it by 10)! A few gags later, I dumped the rotten egg in the trash and attempted to store the trash bag on the back porch without loosing my stomach. But the kitchen already reeked with rotten blue egg (I tried Lysol, but it didn't help any - made it worse actually). Well, thankfully I had put a jacket on before the egg cracking, but the jacket didn't survive. There was goo on the jacket, goo on my foot and sandal, and goo on the kitchen countertop. So my foot took a quick shower, I cleaned up the kitchen, and then attempted to eat toast with jelly as an alternate breakfast option. 
     Of course I needed to change, so I did. Coffee did cheer me up a little, but by then I was in a rush to get to the morning meeting. On my way out I grabbed a mug and off I went. On my way over I slipped on some mudd, coffee splashed up and landed all over my right hand. I shook it off, and continued on my hike to the meeting. The electricity was still out in the cafeteria (so no internet)… but when coffee break came around I indulged. I even grabbed a small cup of orange juice. Bad decision. I know you're excited to hear this, but on my way to another meeting the orange juice went for a ride as well. Left hand, covered in orange pulp. No bueno. After the meeting, I went home a little frustrated and quite confused by the information just presented. Well I reached the door of the apartment and somehow pineapple juice ended up on my shirt. Again I failed. 
     Well, to bring this story to an end, I blame this strange series of events to the electricity being out last night and not being able to take a shower. The rest of the day I was grumpy, and I apologize now to everyone who endured the wrath of Amanda today. I just need to take a shower now. The work day is officially over.

End of story. 

1 comment:

  1. ay sis :) keep your head up. lot of love from your little-bigger brother :)
