Thursday, October 20, 2011

falling in Love again

     Surprisingly, this time I'm not talking about relationships. But for the sake of not being preachy, I'll keep this short and just let my thoughts flow on the screen. 
     There was once a time when my heart was hurt - my first reaction was to ask for a time of testing. A time for God to renew my perspective. He did just that. Then there was a time when one after another people in my life no longer lived. A time in which I resented not being consistent in spreading the Good News and a time of grief over an amazing woman of God who had greatly impacted my youth. There was also a time of great anticipation for what lied ahead. A new beginning. Then that time soon followed by great experiences in which my plans overshadowed Gods. It was soon overcast and everything that I thought was in place, and that which was going to be amazing, was taken away. Again, I asked for a time of renewal. 
     In a heartbeat we move from one great experience to another. Some of those experiences may leave an awful taste in our mouths, but they are there for a reason. To learn some lesson. Life is so unpredictable. But the good news is that there is a God who stays the same and His Love is never-ending. 
     Yes, I have had those days in which I wondered how I was going to get through the storm on my own. Times when my faith was tested to the max. Sometimes it's a great reminder to just think of God as never leaving our sides. He is with us through our times of trial and our times of victory and rejoicing. 
What more could you ask for?
     So, to bring it back to falling in Love again. Life changes when you decide to stop doing all the talking and actually listen to what God has to say, and to listen to what He has to offer. As much of a listener as I am, I wasn't listening for God's voice until about a year ago. During a time when things were tough. Slowly I could hear the whispers and see the beauty in the relationship that God had for me. A renewal of my relationship with Him. Falling in Love all over again. And here I am, taking His word as Truth. Believing that He has it all under control. Knowing that He is there with me wherever I go. 

This was on my heart. Thought I would share.  :)

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