I can't do this alone. I need you.
It is with great excitement that I extend my arms and ask for your help. Along with a passionate team of fellow missionaries, we will be traveling to the Dominican Republic for a life-altering, short-term trip with Mission.Me. We will be leaving on July 18th for a 9 day trip focused on gospel outreach - specifically in the outreach of shoe distribution in impoverished regions. We will have the opportunity to reach out into the community sharing the Gospel with children while speaking life and hope into them. I have a passion for children, and to have this opportunity to share God's love makes my heart skip a beat. This is sure to be an unforgettable experience.
I do believe this is the next step in my calling to the nations of the world. In preparation for departure, I am seeking support, both financially and in prayer, and I need you.
I need to raise $2850 total to make my trip possible. By April 1st I need to have raised $1000 of the total to begin purchasing flights for the trip with my team. Will you consider a gift of $100, $50 or $25 or more to make my dream a reality? I believe in a BIG God who WILL provide, and this is your opportunity to take part in what God is doing.
Would you be a part of this campaign by helping send me to the DR?
I sincerely appreciate your prayerful
consideration in helping make this trip possible either through financial support or prayer. Either way I could not do this without you.
If you would like to help send me to the DR through a financial donation you may do so by either check (make check out to Luminous Church) or visit LuminousChurch.org
and click on the give tab. My name can be found on the drop down menu. The link
to the giving page is here:
Also be sure to visit https://missions.me/campaigns/1nation1day2015. There you can watch videos about my trip, and get
more information.
Luminous Church
Attention: Amanda Rocha
P.O. Box 781809
San Antonio, TX 78278
I sure do appreciate you. Thank you for taking the time to read what God is definitely preparing me for in reaching the nations.