Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Song of the Vineyard

I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard:
My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside.
He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest of vines.
He built a watchtower in it and cut out the winepress as well.
Then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it yielded only bad fruit.

"Now you dwellers in Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge between me and my vineyard
What more could be done for my vineyard than I have done for it?
When I looked for good grapes, why did it yield only bad?
Now I will tell you, what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be              
     destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.
I will make it a wasteland, nether pruned nor cultivated, and briers and turns grow there. I will will
     command the clouds not to rain on it."
- Isaiah 5: 1-6

Wow, wow, wow. The story speaks for itself. How often do you realize that God has set you up for victory? That this whole entire time He has kept your best interest at heart - He ONLY wants the best for you and nothing less. We are His "choicest of vines" and He had prepared a place for us to grow and multiply (to be a good crop), but yet there is bad fruit. Now in the story He is speaking of those in Jerusalem, those who have chosen to disobey and turn from Him and towards sin. What gets me is what He ended up doing to His vineyard. Take away, destroyed, break down, trampled. I want nothing to do with any of those words. I hope you feel the same way.
     Keeping that in mind, how much more are we to be thankful for God's continuous love and mercy? That he doesn't just abandon us and hope for the best. Nope. He pursues us, He clears the way for us to be successful, and for that I am very, very thankful.

Friday, July 13, 2012

No Pain, No Gain

What would life be like if we never experienced any growth? If we always remained static in our everyday routines. There wouldn't be much excitement that's for sure. It's funny though how when we find ourselves (or I guess I speaking from a personal point of view really) in the middle of trial, we (I) tend to be blinded into seeing the negatives, the downfalls, the "I will never get out of this hole" kind of perspective. I find that happening to me every once in a while, but I'm quickly reminded of who brought me to the trial that I am facing. I am reminded that He would never bring me to anything that He didn't think I couldn't handle. And yes, I fall short every time, but He is always there to pick me right back up. And I believe that He will be there in the end of the trial as well, welcoming me with open arms.
     So about that pain huh, not such a pleasant thing to think about. But if I could speak from experience for a little bit, as soon as you hit that wall (the pain) remind yourself that you are brought to the obstacle only because you can overcome it. Remember though, the victory doesn't come when you do it alone. You need to trust and have faith that God is putting you through this challenge for a reason and that there is definitely a lesson to be learned in the process.
     So the real challenge is not so much will you make it out of the trial. It's more like, how will you make it out of the trial? You can do it alone with your own weak human-strength, or you can go at it full force with God Almighty-strength. You definitely have a choice.

I was reading through the beginning of Isaiah earlier and this may or may not have a connection to what I wrote above, but it's too powerful to keep to myself. Such a great reminder.

18. "Come now, let us reason tougher, "
says the Lord.
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
19. If you are willing and obedient.
you will eat the best from the land;
but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword."
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
-Isaish 1:28

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wherever you are...

... and whatever you are doing just know that I am thinking and praying for you. I am praying that this new year you are able to fully discover yourself and find peace in Our Savior. I pray that the people that surround you are able to show you grace and can positively influence your walk with God. I pray that the young people in your life teach you lessons that will last a lifetime and that you are able to teach them truth as well. I pray that you find many more adventures and are safe along the way. That your home is never empty and that your heart is always filled with Joy.

with all my ❤.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Old Memories

I brought back three books from Honduras for Caleb (well, honestly they were for me, but really for Caleb and my brother to enjoy as well). Two of them are classics to me and my brother. The original Arthur book, and Frog and Toad Together. Ah the memories! We then began talking about classic movies and all of the Disney hits that we wished we had on DVD (and many of which my mom still has on VHS). Some of my top favorites were American Tale - Fievel Goes West, The Rescuers, Jungle Book and Aladdin.  It's funny how certain things stick out in your head years later. Moments that last a lifetime.

Anyways, it was fun to think about all of our Disney adventures and memories of being young.
Just thought I'd share.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Since I've been back in Texas, I haven't been able to sleep earlier than 2am. Last night was a record... 7am. What good goes on between 11pm and 7am? My poor eyes.

There's so much going on in my head just being here. People to see, places that I want to go to before I head out again, things to stock up on (coffee creamer + Nutella). And I'm finding it difficult to press the stop button once the clock hits midnight.

This summer is a record for getting back with old friends. There are a few people who use to be main characters in my life who had "gone missing" for a few years and now I get the opportunity to catch up with them. It's crazy how lives evolve over time and how even though personalities might not change, circumstances do. Over 5 years we all grow up. We become these "adults" that we had only imagined being before, and we're still learning how to manage these lives.

It's fun to be able to look back and compare ourselves to who we've become. It's crazy to realize how much our actions and the decisions we made back then affected those around us. I can only imagine what today would look like if one night back then played out like I hoped it would instead of how it actually did.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those years... relive some of those moments. But today I'm thankful for them. For the experiences, the laughs, the late nights, the sleepovers, gathering around good food (mom's brisket), for the trips, the dancing, and yes even the drama.

Agreeing with the words from a semi-wise friend (hahaha),
"everything went down they way it was supposed to".

Monday, July 2, 2012

I Need Encouragement... I think We All Do

I frequently find myself referring to this app from DaySpring which lists several blogs that offer encouragement. If you don't have it I suggest you get it (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dayspring/id374552246?mt=8) 
I just read this and it made my day:
     If I can encourage you in one thing this week, it is to be praying
     If your appetite is whetted by the single scripture verses each day, keep reading!
     If the Holy Spirit is convicting you, if worry is plaguing you, if Satan is distracting or discouraging you,      keep seeking.
I have definitely been feeling a little distracted in my walk lately, but I am thankful that I can at least pin-point some of the areas in which my mind has wondered off to. My heart wants so much to just be following God's call. It's such a crazy feeling right now to learn how to wisely spend my time and where to put more effort and more time in. I feel like I'm in three different places all at once (and being sick for the past 2 weeks hasn't helped either). There's a lot to process. 
     Encouragement. Everyone needs it. Whether it is a direct encouragement to someone, or something as simple as a status update that is meant for several eyes to take in. I'm thankful for those wise women in my life who are full of sharing their testimonies and daily life experiences in such an encouraging way on social media. This school year, with my students, I look forward to putting more effort into encouraging their lives. I'm excited to be going back to 210-something faces that I do know and to learn about the new 60-something 7th graders that will be coming in. I know that I can't individually impact them all, but I do know that I can teach them more than just art. 

Got to love 7th grade personalities and Photobooth.